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  • Writer's pictureThomas Godfrey

“I feel lighter.” 💡

I hear this all the time.

And every time my client shares this, I feel their lightness. Their light. 💡



No words needed.

Enjoying breathing.

Pure clarity of self.

Clarity of others.

And of purpose.

Just presence.

🔥“It seems so obvious now!”🔥

(Spoiler: That’s because I’m simply reflecting back to you that which you’ve always known but never quite realised. UNTIL NOW.)

Sometimes tears.

Releasing the old story.

Goodbye old friend.

You have served me well.

But I no longer need you.

Because the old story.

It turns out, wasn’t real.

Not really anyway. 😁🙏🔥

Impressive enough that I stopped to take a picture of it! Anyone know this type of flower?

Lightness. 💡

This is the inevitable outcome of a mindset SHIFT:

Nothing whatsoever has apparently changed out there in the world

Yet something has SHIFTED in here

And suddenly, the world is a completely different place.

Suddenly everything, and everyone is lighter.

Because nothing can change out there until we make the SHIFT: in here

“When we change the way we look at things, the things we look at change.”

- Wayne Dyer 1940-2015

Cause and effect is real. But not in the way we have been led to believe… ❤️

Have you ever woken up and experienced pure bliss?

Just light. No thinking required.

A few moments of absolute perfection.

Then the body and mind boot online

The old story kicks into gear

“What am I thinking about today?”

“What was I worrying about again?”

“What have I got to do?”

“Where do I have to go?”

“What am I carrying with me today?”

How about nothing.

Put it all down.

Just a story.

See what’s really happening.

And from this place.


And infinite possibility.

Does this resonate?

Don’t ignore it.

Let’s chat.


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