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  • Writer's pictureThomas Godfrey

I still vividly remember driving my then girlfriend home from the cinema in 1999 after watching "The Matrix".

For the first time ever, I found myself legitimately questioning the nature of the reality that I had previously accepted as described.

Little did I know 25 years later I'd be helping others to question their own reality, for a living.

Celtic Manor, Wales UK

What is our reality anyway?

It is our own personal collection of beliefs.

Our beliefs about ourselves, and about the world.

We subconsciously seek out evidence which reinforces our beliefs,

We subconsciously dismiss any evidence which counters our beliefs.

So the reality we experience, is being filtered through the lens of our own beliefs.

We get really REALLY attached to our beliefs. Some people will die for their beliefs.

So what are beliefs, anyway?

You're not going to like this one either...


Beliefs are nothing more than ideas.

Mere, humble, unassuming, ideas.

Ideas that we have at some point in the past,

Stopped questioning, accepted as truth

And internalised as a belief.

Where they have lived ever since.

But they are still just ideas.

Every. Single. One of them.


So when we find the COURAGE to question just one of our beliefs.

Just one.

We open the door to questioning everything we thought we knew.

And that includes everything we thought we knew about ourselves.

Every single one of your

"I'm just not..."

"I've never been..."

"I'm not one of those people who..."

Is open to being rewritten.

You can change your story at any time.


Which film had the most profound impact on you? Let me know in the comments below :)

Happy Saturday.


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