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  • Writer's pictureThomas Godfrey

Is truth relative?

Or absolute?

If “my truth” is different to “your truth” are we really dealing in truth?

Or just beliefs…

(aka ideas to which we have become a little too attached)

Westbury white horse, Wiltshire UK (can you spot the penguin?)

We have been so deeply programmed since before we could speak, to identify our very sense of self with our beliefs

That we can be forgiven for mistaking them for truth.

Every single one of us. You too.

If a baby is conditioned from birth, with an idea, impressed on it every single day

(Let’s take the simple example of dinosaurs here 🦖)

At what point does it ever question that idea?

If every other child was impressed with the same idea at the same time💡

Why would it ever be questioned? 🐉

I’ve never seen a dinosaur on an old building

I’ve never seen an ancient culture celebrating dinosaurs

I’ve never seen a dinosaur on a flag

Or a crest

Or a shield

But I believe dinosaurs are real

And dragons are myth

Because that’s what I was told to believe.

What about you?


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