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  • Writer's pictureThomas Godfrey

Which feels more important to you?

Your beliefs?

Or the truth?

Which do you invest most of your energy into defending?


How do you FEEL when one of your beliefs is challenged. It hurts inside doesn’t it?

Like an actual part of you is somehow being attacked.

Must. Defend. Belief. đŸ€–


Now what if you could have mistakenly picked up that belief?

It’s possible. Probable even.

You defend it with your life, yet it isn’t even necessarily anything to do with you.

That doesn’t sound a smart investment of your energy.

Does it? 😁

Longleat forest, Wiltshire UK

What are beliefs anyway?

Just ideas 💡

That you have stopped questioning

And accepted, and internalised

They live inside of you,

You think they ARE YOU.

Yet they are still just ideas.

Mere, humble, unassuming, ideas. 😊

🙏 Observe. Allow. Breathe.

See how far you can get through your day without needing to rely on your beliefs.

Happy Friday đŸ”„


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